Stopwhatch – Changelog

2024_07_05 – version: 1.0.2+35

Updated app version and refactored image path constants for better maintainability.


  • File app_info.dart:
  • Incremented app version from 1.0.0+33 to 1.0.2+35.
  • File constants.dart:
  • Added a new constant usersImages to centralize the image directory name.
  • File app_settings.dart:
  • Updated the _imagePath initialization to use the new usersImages constant for directory naming.
  • File users_page_controller.dart:
  • Refactored image directory path to use the usersImages constant for consistency.
  • File pubspec.yaml:
  • Updated the version from 1.0.1+34 to 1.0.2+35.

This commit improves the maintainability of the codebase by centralizing the image directory name in a constant and increments the application version to reflect the changes.

2024_07_04 – version: 1.0.1+34

Added keystore properties, signing configuration, storage permissions, and new image management functionalities to the project.


  • File build.gradle:
  • Introduced a new section to load keystore properties from the file.
  • Implemented logic to check for the existence of the file and load the properties.
  • Added signing configuration for release builds using keystore properties.
  • Included comments to guide future release signing configurations.
  • Added NDK configuration for full debug symbol level.
  • File AndroidManifest.xml:
  • New file assets/icons/stopwatch_512x512.png:
  • Added a new icon for the stopwatch.
  • File app_info.dart:
  • Incremented app version from 1.0.0+32 to 1.0.0+33.
  • File users_page.dart:
  • Added resizeAndSaveImage method to the user dialog.
  • Called removeUnusedImages method after updating a user.
  • File users_page_controller.dart:
  • Implemented the resizeAndSaveImage method to resize and save images.
  • Implemented the removeUnusedImages method to remove unused images.
  • File user_dialog.dart:
  • Added resizeAndSaveImage parameter to the user dialog constructor.
  • Modified _photoImageOnTap method to use resizeAndSaveImage.
  • File main.dart:
  • Removed unnecessary calls to AppSettings.
  • File user_manager.dart:
  • Implemented the getImagesList method to obtain the list of images.
  • File abstract_user_repository.dart:
  • Added definition for the getImagesList method.
  • File user_repository.dart:
  • Implemented the getImagesList method.
  • File table_attributes.dart:
  • Changed the database name to stopwatch.db.
  • File table_sql_scripts.dart:
  • Added query to get the list of user images.
  • File database_manager.dart:
  • Added log for the database path.
  • Additional log to indicate successful database opening.
  • File database_provider.dart:
  • Fixed call to app.init() method.
  • File user_store.dart:
  • Implemented the getImagesList method.
  • Files pubspec.lock and pubspec.yaml:
  • Added flutter_image_compress dependency.

This commit enhances security and release management by adding support for keystore and signing configuration. It also adds new storage permissions, updates icons, increments the app version, introduces functionalities for resizing and cleaning up unused images, and includes general code improvements.

2024_07_03 – version: 1.0.0+33

refactor: Update HistoryModel usage and refactor history management

  • Refactored updateHistory method across various controllers to use HistoryModel instead of int historyId.
  • Updated MessagesModel to include historyId in toString() method.
  • Commented out unused isSplit case in MessagesModel.
  • Adjusted StopwatchDrawer to align the text at the bottom center.
  • Renamed managerUpdate to editHistory in DismissibleHistory and related calls.
  • Added editHistory method to HistoryListView to handle history edits through a dialog.
  • Commented out the unused _cleanUserLog method in PreciseStopwatch.
  • Updated PreciseStopwatchController to use HistoryModel for updating history.
  • Added getById method to HistoryManager for fetching a history by ID.
  • Refactored update method in HistoryManager to use HistoryModel directly.
  • Renamed query to getById in AbstractHistoryRepository and HistoryRepository for consistency.

Detailed Description:

  1. History Management Refactor:
  • Changed the signature of the updateHistory method in various controllers (HistoryPageController, PersonalTrainingController, PreciseStopwatchController) to accept HistoryModel instead of an integer ID. This change ensures that the entire history object is passed, allowing for more detailed updates and better type safety.
  1. Model Updates:
  • Updated MessagesModel to include historyId in the toString() method for better debugging and logging.
  • Commented out the isSplit case in the MessagesModel class, indicating that it is currently not in use.
  1. UI Adjustments:
  • Modified StopwatchDrawer to align the text at the bottom center, enhancing the UI layout and readability.
  1. Dismissible History:
  • Renamed the managerUpdate function to editHistory in the DismissibleHistory widget and ensured that related calls in the widget tree were updated accordingly.
  • Added editHistory method in HistoryListView to handle the editing of history entries through a dialog interface, providing a more interactive user experience.
  1. Precise Stopwatch:
  • Commented out the _cleanUserLog method in PreciseStopwatch, indicating it is not in use and simplifying the codebase.
  1. HistoryManager and Repository:
  • Introduced the getById method in HistoryManager to fetch a history record by its ID, improving data retrieval capabilities.
  • Refactored the update method in HistoryManager to accept HistoryModel directly, simplifying the update logic and ensuring consistency.
  • Renamed the query method to getById in both AbstractHistoryRepository and HistoryRepository for better clarity and consistency in naming conventions.

These changes collectively improve the structure, readability, and maintainability of the codebase, ensuring that history management is more robust and that UI components are better aligned.

2024_07_03 – version: 1.0.0+32

feat: Implementation of WhatsApp data sending button and enhancements in training management interface

  • Added “WhatsApp” button for sending data through the app.
  • Included green-colored WhatsApp icon.
  • Added IconButton for removing selected trainings, with updated focus and tooltip.
  • Adjusted logic for selecting and deselecting all trainings.
  • Removed lap and split columns from the historyTable.
  • Updated SQL scripts for creating and handling the historyTable.
  • Updated pubspec.yaml file to version 1.0.0+32.

Detailed Description:

This commit introduces several significant enhancements to the Trainer’s Stopwatch application, aimed at improving user experience and functionality. The primary focus is on integrating a new feature for sending data via WhatsApp and refining the training management interface. These changes ensure that trainers and athletes can efficiently manage and share their training data, leading to a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.

WhatsApp Data Sending Functionality:

  • New Button Implementation:
  • A “WhatsApp” button has been added to the application interface, enabling users to send their training data directly through WhatsApp.
  • This button features a green-colored WhatsApp icon followed by the text “WhatsApp” for clear identification.

Enhancements in Training Management Interface:

  • Removal Button for Selected Trainings:
  • An IconButton has been introduced to allow users to remove selected trainings. This button is equipped with a tooltip ‘GenericRemove’ and only activates when there are selected trainings.
  • The button has updated focus management to improve accessibility.
  • Selection and Deselection Logic:
  • The logic for selecting and deselecting all trainings has been refined. The button for selecting/deselecting all trainings now correctly handles states based on whether trainings are present and selected.

Database Schema Updates:

  • Column Removal:
  • The lap and split columns have been removed from the historyTable. This change simplifies the database schema and aligns with the streamlined data management approach.
  • SQL Script Adjustments:
  • Corresponding SQL scripts for creating and managing the historyTable have been updated to reflect the removal of the lap and split columns.

Project Version Update:

  • Version Increment:
  • The project’s version has been updated from 0.9.10+31 to 1.0.0+32 in the pubspec.yaml file, indicating a significant update with new features and enhancements.

These updates enhance the functionality and usability of the Trainer’s Stopwatch application, making it more efficient for managing and sharing training data.

2024_06_13 – version: 0.9.10+31

Release First Beta Version with Comprehensive Enhancements and Optimizations

Detailed Changes:

  • Build PDF Functionality:
  • Added makeReport method to generate detailed training reports for users, including metrics like total length, total time, medium speed, lap length, split length, and number of laps.
  • Enhanced PDF formatting with the inclusion of user details and training logs.
  • Share Functionality:
  • Updated sendWhatsApp and sendEmail methods to utilize the new makeReport method for generating comprehensive PDF reports.
  • Included user details in shared reports for better personalization.
  • Stopwatch Functions:
  • Introduced SpeedValue class to encapsulate speed and its unit, ensuring consistent handling and display of speed metrics across the application.
  • Enhanced formatDuration method to handle durations exceeding one hour, ensuring accurate time representation.
  • Training Report Enhancements:
  • Streamlined TrainingReport class by removing redundant methods and focusing on generating message models with detailed training information.
  • Improved message creation methods to include user names and formatted speed values, providing clearer and more informative messages.
  • Messages Model:
  • Added new fields (userName, label, speed, duration, comments) to the MessagesModel class for detailed message representation.
  • Implemented methods to generate formatted titles and subtitles for message logs, ensuring clarity in the displayed and logged messages.
  • History Page Controller:
  • Updated state management to handle the new speed calculation and message generation functionalities.
  • Ensured proper logging and error handling during history retrieval and updates.
  • Trainings Page:
  • Enhanced sharing functionality to include user details in shared training logs.
  • Removed redundant report generation code, focusing on streamlined sharing methods.
  • Dismissible History Widget:
  • Improved display of history messages with detailed subtitles, including speed values and formatted durations.
  • Added handling for finish messages with appropriate icons and labels.
  • Precise Stopwatch Controller:
  • Updated message generation methods to include detailed labels, speed values, and durations for split and lap messages.
  • Enhanced finish message generation with formatted timestamps and clear labels.
  • Project Configuration:
  • Updated project version to 0.9.9+30 in pubspec.yaml to reflect the transition to the first beta release.

These enhancements mark the completion of all planned features and improvements for the application, moving it into the beta testing phase for final bug fixes and optimizations before the first official release.

2024_06_13 – version: 0.9.9+30

Enhance PersonalTrainingController and HistoryListView with Improved State Management and Message Handling

Detailed Changes:

  • PersonalTrainingController:
  • Improved getHistory method to handle errors and update the state accordingly.
  • Added trainingReport.createMessages() in getHistory, updateHistory, and deleteHistory methods to keep the messages updated based on the latest history changes.
  • Ensured state changes are correctly reflected in case of errors with appropriate logging.
  • TrainingsPageController:
  • Added _removeFromSelection method to remove a training from the selection list upon deletion.
  • Integrated _removeFromSelection call within removeTraining to keep the selection list updated.
  • HistoryListView:
  • Refactored to use messages model import for consistency.
  • Updated the build method to handle reversed message lists, ensuring correct display order.
  • Adjusted ListView builder to display the correct set of messages, taking into account the reversed flag for proper order presentation.

These changes aim to provide a more robust and user-friendly experience by ensuring state and message consistency across various parts of the application.

2024_06_12 – version: 0.9.8+29

This commit enhances the project with various improvements and new features that provide a more robust and efficient user experience.


  • Android Manifest Update:
  • Enabled android.intent.action.PROCESS_TEXT intent filter to support text processing within the application.
  • History Controller Enhancements:
  • Added TrainingReport integration to the HistoryController.
  • Updated the init method to initialize TrainingReport with user and training data, including histories.
  • Ensured that getHistory updates the training report messages upon fetching history data.
  • New Training Report Class:
  • Created TrainingReport to handle the generation of training reports.
  • The class includes methods for creating split and lap messages, calculating speeds, and formatting durations.
  • Provides a structured way to log and retrieve training history details.
  • Messages Model Updates:
  • Introduced MessageType enum to classify message types (Lap, Split, Starting).
  • Added historyId to MessagesModel to link messages with specific history records.
  • History Page Updates:
  • Modified init method to accept user, training, and history data.
  • Initialized TrainingReport with the necessary data within the controller.
  • Updated HistoryListView to work with new messages from TrainingReport.
  • Personal Training Page Enhancements:
  • Updated PersonalTrainingController to use the enhanced HistoryController with TrainingReport.
  • Initialized the controller with user, training, and history data.
  • Trainings Page Updates:
  • Added functionality to generate detailed training reports.
  • Introduced a new icon in the action bar to trigger report generation.
  • Refactored the SelectUserPopupMenu into a separate widget for better code organization.
  • Widgets and UI Improvements:
  • Refactored DismissibleHistory to work with the new MessagesModel.
  • Updated HistoryListView to display messages instead of direct history data.
  • Enhanced PreciseStopwatch UI for better alignment and presentation.
  • History Manager Enhancements:
  • Added a newInstance method to HistoryManager for better initialization and fetching of history data.

This commit ensures a more structured approach to handling training data, improves user experience with new reporting capabilities, and enhances the overall maintainability and readability of the codebase.

2024_06_11 – version: 0.9.7+28

Enhanced app initialization, sharing features, and UI improvements

  • flutter_native_splash Configuration:
  • Added flutter_native_splash.yaml to configure splash screens with primary and dark colors.
  • Set Android 12 splash screen image.
  • Icon Path Update:
  • Changed icon path in build_pdf.dart from assets/icon/stopwatch.png to assets/icons/stopwatch.png.
  • Sharing Enhancements:
  • Added share_plus package for sharing capabilities.
  • Implemented sendWhatsApp function in share_functions.dart to share training PDFs via WhatsApp.
  • UI Improvements:
  • Increased maxFocusNode to 28 in app_settings.dart.
  • Adjusted button styles to FilledButton.tonal for a more consistent look across:
    • stopwatch_overlay.dart
    • stopwatch_page.dart
    • edit_training_dialog.dart
    • users_overlay.dart
    • user_dialog.dart
    • generic_dialog.dart
  • Ensured splash screen removal after app initialization in stopwatch_page.dart using FlutterNativeSplash.remove().
  • Enhanced edit_training_dialog.dart to include animated updates of split and lap distances with added validation.
  • Refactoring and Cleanup:
  • Renamed TrainingsPage to TrainingsOverlay and updated related navigation routes and tutorial overlays.
  • Introduced SelectUserPopupMenu component for better user selection in trainings_page.dart.
  • Enhanced DismissibleHistory to optionally disable delete functionality based on the enableDelete flag.
  • Added onChanged callback in NumericField for real-time updates.
  • Database Initialization Logging:
  • Added logging statements in database_manager.dart to track table creation process.
  • Dependency and Version Updates:
  • Updated pubspec.yaml to include:
    • flutter_native_splash: ^2.4.0
    • share_plus: ^9.0.0
  • Incremented app version to 0.9.7+28 to reflect new features and enhancements.

2024_06_07 – version: 0.9.6+27

Refactor and enhance history management:

This commit introduces several improvements and refactorings to the history management features of the application. Key changes include the creation of abstract classes for better state management, updates to the history and training controllers, and various UI enhancements.

  • New Abstract Classes: Introduced HistoryController and related state classes to abstract history management logic.
  • Added lib/common/abstract_classes/history_controller.dart.
  • Version Update: Incremented app version to 0.9.6+27.
  • Updated lib/common/app_info.dart and pubspec.yaml.
  • Refactored History Page:
  • Moved history list view logic to a separate widget HistoryListView.
  • Moved training information display logic to a new widget TrainingInformations.
  • Updated HistoryPage to use the new abstract classes and widgets.
  • Deleted lib/features/history_page/history_page_state.dart.
  • Controller Enhancements:
  • Refactored HistoryPageController to extend the new HistoryController.
  • Created PersonalTrainingController to manage personal training sessions.
  • Updated PersonalTrainingPage to use PersonalTrainingController.
  • UI Improvements:
  • Enhanced MessageRow to correctly reverse the message list in StopWatchPage.
  • Removed Redundant Imports:
  • Cleaned up imports in various files to remove unused dependencies.

These changes aim to streamline history management, improve code maintainability, and enhance the user interface for a better user experience.

2024_06_06 – version: 0.9.5+26

Refactor and updates to the project:

This commit introduces significant refactoring and updates across various components of the project. It includes enhancements in translation files, UI improvements, new functionality in stopwatch functions, and code clean-up. The changes aim to improve the maintainability and user experience of the application.

  • Updated translation files:
  • Added new translation keys in en-US.json, es.json, and pt-BR.json.
  • Updated constants:
  • Added primaryColor constant in lib/common/constants.dart.
  • Enhanced stopwatch functions:
  • Added formatDuration function in lib/common/functions/stopwatch_functions.dart.
  • Improved font styles:
  • Added roboto10 style in lib/common/theme/app_font_style.dart.
  • Refactored history page:
  • Replaced CardHistory with DismissibleHistory in lib/features/history_page/history_page.dart.
  • Updated controllers:
  • Added updateHistory and deleteHistory methods to HistoryPageController.
  • Improved trainings page:
  • Adjusted trainings_page.dart to reflect new control logic and color management.
  • Implemented new widget:
  • Created dismissible_history.dart for managing history with edit and delete options.
  • Enhanced edit training dialog:
  • Added color selection in edit_training_dialog.dart and created color_dialog.dart.
  • Updated models and repositories:
  • Added a color field to TrainingModel.
  • Adjusted history_repository.dart to support updates without explicitly passing an ID.
  • Added new dependencies:
  • Included flutter_colorpicker in pubspec.yaml.
  • Other improvements:
  • General adjustments in layouts and widget behaviors for better usability and visual consistency.

The files lib/features/history_page/widgets/card_history.dart and lib/features/personal_training_page/widgets/dismissible_personal_training.dart were removed and replaced with lib/features/widgets/common/dismissible_history.dart.

2024_06_04 – version: 0.9.4+25

Introduced new features and made several improvements to the application.

Refactor AndroidManifest and Update Application Assets

  • Updated AndroidManifest.xml:
  • Commented out <intent> element for android.intent.action.PROCESS_TEXT.
  • Added <intent> element for android.intent.action.SENDTO with mailto scheme.
  • Replaced launcher icons in various resolutions:
  • mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
  • mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png
  • mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png
  • mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
  • mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
  • Added new asset icons:
  • assets/icons/stopwatch.png
  • assets/svgs/stopwatch2.svg
  • Updated translations to include “Share” feature:
  • assets/translations/en-US.json
  • assets/translations/es.json
  • assets/translations/pt-BR.json
  • Incremented app version from 0.9.3+22 to 0.9.3+24 in lib/common/app_info.dart.
  • Added functionality to generate and share PDFs via email:
  • Created lib/common/functions/build_pdf.dart to build PDFs from training data.
  • Created lib/common/functions/share_functions.dart to handle email sending with attachment.
  • Enhanced history_page to include training comments:
  • Modified _cardHeader in lib/features/history_page/history_page.dart.
  • Improved training selection and sharing functionality:
  • Updated lib/features/trainings_page/trainings_page.dart to handle email sharing.
  • Enhanced TrainingsPageController to check if all trainings are selected.
  • Improved UI components:
  • SimpleSpinBoxField in lib/features/widgets/common/simple_spin_box_field.dart to support nullable values.
  • UserCard in lib/features/widgets/common/user_card.dart to handle text overflow.
  • EditTrainingDialog in lib/features/widgets/edit_training_dialog/edit_training_dialog.dart to include comments.
  • LapSplitCounters in lib/features/widgets/precise_stopwatch/widgets/lap_split_counters.dart to dynamically display lap count.

2024_06_04 – version: 0.9.4+24

Replace Signal with ValueNotifier

Replaced the Signal package with ValueNotifier in several parts of the codebase to address issues encountered during development with hot-reload. It seems that Signal was masking dispose errors of some elements, causing interference with hot-reload. While not entirely certain, I decided to remove Signal and use ValueNotifier instead.

Changes Made:

  • Updated lib/bloc/stopwatch_bloc.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attributes _lapCounter and _splitCounter.
  • Updated lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attributes _brightness and _contrast.
  • Updated lib/features/personal_training_page/widgets/edit_history_dialog/widgets/distance_unit_row.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attributes selectedUnit and selectedSpeedUnit.
  • Updated lib/features/personal_training_page/widgets/edit_history_dialog/widgets/speed_unit_row.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attributes selectedSpeedUnit and selectedDistUnit.
  • Updated lib/features/users_page/widgets/dismissible_user_tile.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attribute isChecked.
  • Updated lib/features/users_page/widgets/user_dialog/user_controller.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attribute image.
  • Updated lib/features/widgets/edit_training_dialog/edit_training_dialog.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attributes splitFocusNode, lapFocusNode, selectedDistUnit, and selectedSpeedUnit.
  • Updated lib/features/widgets/edit_training_dialog/widgets/distance_unit_row.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attributes selectedUnit and selectedSpeedUnit.
  • Updated lib/features/widgets/edit_training_dialog/widgets/speed_unit_row.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attributes selectedSpeedUnit and selectedDistUnit.
  • Updated lib/features/stopwatch_page/stopwatch_page_controller.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attributes _stopwatchLength and _historyMessage.
  • Updated lib/features/widgets/precise_stopwatch/precise_stopwatch.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attribute maxLaps.
  • Updated lib/features/widgets/precise_stopwatch/widgets/counter_row.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attribute counter.
  • Updated lib/features/widgets/precise_stopwatch/widgets/lap_split_counters.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attribute maxLaps.
  • Updated lib/features/widgets/precise_stopwatch/widgets/stopwatch_display.dart:
  • Replaced Signal with ValueNotifier for attribute durationTraining.
  • Removed Signal package from pubspec.yaml.
  • lib/features/users_page/widgets/user_dialog/user_dialog.dart
  • lib/features/settings/settings_page.dart:
  • lib/features/stopwatch_page/stopwatch_page.dart:
  • lib/features/widgets/common/custom_icon_button.dart
  • lib/features/widgets/precise_stopwatch/precise_stopwatch_controller.dart:
  • lib/features/widgets/precise_stopwatch/widgets/stopwatch_button_bar.dart:
  • Adjusted for the replacement of Signal with ValueNotifier.

2024_06_04 – version: 0.9.4+23

feat: Update app icons and improve tutorial content

This commit introduces the following changes:

  • Updated application icons for various resolutions (hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi).
  • Added a new stopwatch icon in PNG and SVG formats.
  • Enhanced tutorial content with detailed steps and messages.
  • Updated translation files to include new tutorial messages in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
  • Added a new overlay for settings and users pages to provide a more comprehensive tutorial experience.
  • Implemented a new class, SettingsOverlay, to manage tutorial steps for the settings page.
  • Fixed a bug in the tutorial step sequence on the stopwatch page.
  • Integrated flutter_launcher_icons package to manage app icons.
  • Updated pubspec.yaml to include the new icon path and launcher icon configurations.

Changes in detail:


  • Added new icon files:
  • assets/icons/stopwatch.png
  • assets/svgs/stopwatch.svg
  • Updated application icons in:
  • android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
  • android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png
  • android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png
  • android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
  • android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
  • Added images for tutorial:
  • assets/images/dismissingLeft.png
  • assets/images/dismissingRight.png


  • app_settings.dart:
  • Updated to handle tutorial state and added methods to disable tutorial.
  • settings_overlay.dart:
  • Created to manage tutorial steps for settings page.
  • settings_page.dart:
  • Integrated OnboardingOverlay for the settings page tutorial.
  • stopwatch_overlay.dart:
  • Enhanced with new tutorial steps and localized messages.
  • users_overlay.dart:
  • Added detailed tutorial steps and messages.


  • Updated translation files:
  • en-US.json
  • es.json
  • pt-BR.json


  • Updated dependencies to include flutter_launcher_icons and configuration for the new app icon.

This update enhances the user experience by providing detailed guidance through tutorials and updating visual elements to align with the app’s branding.

2024_06_03 – version: 0.9.3+22

refactor: Rename Athlete to User across the application

This commit includes comprehensive renaming of directories, files, variables, constants, classes, and functions to replace “Athlete” with “User”. The term “User” aligns better with the application’s purpose and scope.

Changes include:

  • Directory and file names:
  • Renamed directories and files from athlete* to user*.
  • Variables and constants:
  • Updated variable and constant names from athlete* to user*.
  • Classes and functions:
  • Renamed classes and functions from Athlete* to User*.

These changes enhance clarity and consistency throughout the codebase, ensuring the terminology aligns with the app’s intended functionality.

2024_06_03 – version: 0.9.2+21

feat: Add tutorial steps and enhance app settings

This commit introduces new tutorial steps using the onboarding_overlay package, adds a new image asset, and enhances app settings management. A bug fix in the settingsTable creation script has been made, and the database will now be removed if an error occurs during its creation.


  • assets/images/user_settings.png:
  • Added new image asset for tutorial purposes.

App Settings

  • lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart:
  • Added disableTutorial method to turn off the tutorial and update settings.
  • Removed copy method to avoid redundant data copying.
  • Enhanced update method for better settings management.

Users Overlay

  • lib/features/users_page/users_overlay.dart:
  • Added new onboarding steps for the Users page tutorial.
  • Included an option to interrupt the tutorial with explanatory text and buttons.

Stopwatch Overlay

  • lib/features/stopwatch_page/stopwatch_overlay.dart:
  • Added new onboarding steps for the Stopwatch page tutorial.
  • Included an option to interrupt the tutorial with explanatory text and buttons.
  • Improved the full-screen message layout for better user experience.

Stopwatch Page

  • lib/features/stopwatch_page/stopwatch_page.dart:
  • Enabled tutorial overlay display based on app settings.
  • Enhanced post-frame callback to manage tutorial states.

Main Initialization

  • lib/main.dart:
  • Adjusted initialization sequence to ensure settings are loaded before database initialization.

Settings Model

  • lib/models/settings_model.dart:
  • Added showTutorial attribute to manage tutorial display.
  • Enhanced copy method to include the new attribute.
  • Updated toMap and fromMap methods to handle showTutorial.

Database Management

  • lib/store/constants/migration_sql_scripts.dart:
  • Added migration script for version 1005 to include showTutorial column.
  • lib/store/constants/table_attributes.dart:
  • Added settingsShowTutorial attribute.
  • lib/store/constants/table_sql_scripts.dart:
  • Fixed bug in createSettingsSQL script and added settingsShowTutorial column.
  • lib/store/database/database_provider.dart:
  • Updated initialization to handle app settings and migrations correctly.

Version Update

  • pubspec.yaml:
  • Updated version to 0.9.2+21.

This commit ensures better management of app settings, introduces a comprehensive onboarding tutorial, and fixes potential issues in database initialization and migration processes.

2024_05_31 – version: 0.9.1+20

feat: Enhance stopwatch messaging and add onboarding tutorial

This commit introduces improvements to stopwatch messaging and adds support for the onboarding tutorial using the onboarding_overlay package. It also includes translations updates and several UI and backend adjustments. A bug fix in the settingsTable creation script has been made, and the database will now be removed if an error occurs during its creation.


  • assets/translations/en-US.json:
  • Updated PSCStartedMessage, PSCSplitMessage, PSCLapMessage, and PSCFinishMessage to remove redundant placeholders.
  • assets/translations/es.json:
  • Updated PSCStartedMessage, PSCSplitMessage, PSCLapMessage, and PSCFinishMessage to remove redundant placeholders.
  • assets/translations/pt-BR.json:
  • Updated PSCStartedMessage, PSCSplitMessage, PSCLapMessage, and PSCFinishMessage to remove redundant placeholders.

Stopwatch Page

  • lib/features/stopwatch_page/stopwatch_page.dart:
  • Added import for MessagesModel.
  • Changed _messageList to use MessagesModel instead of String.
  • Updated logic to handle MessagesModel instances.
  • Modified _removeUserFromLogs to use message.title for comparison.
  • lib/features/stopwatch_page/stopwatch_page_controller.dart:
  • Changed _historyMessage to use MessagesModel instead of String.
  • Updated sendHistoryMessage to accept MessagesModel.
  • lib/features/stopwatch_page/widgets/message_row.dart:
  • Changed message type to MessagesModel.
  • Updated _buildMessageRow and _messageRow to handle MessagesModel attributes.
  • Improved UI styling for message rows using Container.

Trainings Page

  • lib/features/trainings_page/trainings_page.dart:
  • Added elevation to AppBar.
  • Enhanced dropdown styling with Container.

Precise Stopwatch Controller

  • lib/features/widgets/precise_stopwatch/precise_stopwatch_controller.dart:
  • Changed messages to use MessagesModel.
  • Updated _sendStartedMessage, _sendSplitMessage, _sendLapMessage, and _sendFinishMessage to create MessagesModel instances.

Settings Manager

  • lib/manager/settings_manager.dart:
  • Added try-catch block to handle errors when querying settings.

Database Manager

  • lib/store/database/database_manager.dart:
  • Added logging and error handling for database creation.

Messages Model

  • lib/models/messages_model.dart:
  • Created new MessagesModel class to encapsulate message details.

SQL Scripts

  • lib/store/constants/table_sql_scripts.dart:
  • Added missing comma in createSettingsSQL.

2024_05_31 – version: 0.9.0+19

feat: Add onboarding tutorial using onboarding_overlay package

This commit integrates the onboarding_overlay package to provide an introductory tutorial for the app on two pages. It includes necessary adjustments to routes, FocusNodes, and user interfaces to support the tutorial.

  • lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart:
  • Added constant maxFocusNode to limit the number of FocusNodes for the tutorial.
  • Added List<FocusNode> focusNodes to store FocusNodes for the tutorial.
  • Added tutorialOn attribute to indicate if the tutorial is active.
  • Added tutorialId attribute to track the tutorial test user’s ID.
  • Added disposal of elements in focusNodes in the dispose method.
  • lib/my_material_app.dart:
  • Adjusted routes for StopWatchPage and UsersPage to use tutorial overlays StopwatchOverlay and UsersOverlay, respectively.
  • lib/screens/users_page/users_overlay.dart:
  • Added UsersOverlay class to provide the tutorial for the UsersPage.
  • lib/screens/users_page/users_page.dart:
  • Added tutorial entries in initState, _addNewUser.
  • Added a PopupMenuButton for tutorial entry.
  • Added app.focusNode for tutorial elements.
  • lib/screens/users_page/users_page_controller.dart:
  • Added an entry to store the user ID used in the tutorial.
  • lib/screens/users_page/widgets/user_dialog/user_dialog.dart:
  • Corrected attribute name from sueUser to addUser.
  • lib/screens/users_page/widgets/dismissible_user_tile.dart:
  • Added a dialog for attempting to deselect an user when they have an active stopwatch on the main page.
  • lib/screens/widgets/common/generic_dialog.dart:
  • lib/screens/widgets/edit_training_dialog/edit_training_dialog.dart:
  • lib/screens/personal_training_page/widgets/edit_history_dialog/edit_history_dialog.dart:
  • lib/screens/trainings_page/widgets/edit_training_dialog.dart:
  • Replaced ElevatedButton with FilledButton.
  • lib/screens/stopwatch_page/stopwatch_overlay.dart:
  • Added StopwatchOverlay class to provide the tutorial for the StopWatchPage.
  • lib/screens/stopwatch_page/stopwatch_page.dart:
  • Added tutorial entries in initState, _addNewUser.
  • Added a PopupMenuButton for tutorial entry.
  • Added app.focusNode for tutorial elements.
  • Added a call to dispose AppSettings.instance in the dispose method of the class.
  • lib/screens/stopwatch_page/widgets/stopwatch_dismissible.dart:
  • lib/screens/stopwatch_page/widgets/stopwatch_drawer.dart:
  • lib/screens/widgets/common/custon_icon_button.dart:
  • lib/screens/widgets/precise_stopwatch/widgets/stopwatch_button_bar.dart:
  • Added app.focusNode for tutorial elements.
  • lib/screens/widgets/precise_stopwatch/precise_stopwatch.dart:
  • PreciseStopwatch now passes to the StopwatchButtonBar class.

2024/05/17 – version 0.8.2+17:

feat: Update translations, theme settings, and database schema for improved functionality and Flutter 3.22 compliance

This commit includes extensive updates to the translations, theme settings, and database schema. It aligns with Flutter 3.22 guidelines, adds new features such as contrast control, and makes several UI and backend adjustments.

  • assets/translations/??.json:
  • Various updates to translations.
  • lib/common/constants.dart:
  • Transferred distanceUnits, speedUnits, and speedAllowedValues to this constants file.
  • lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart:
  • Renamed variables themeMode and related ones to brightness, in accordance with Flutter 3.22 guidelines.
  • Added support for contrast control in the app.
  • lib/common/theme/color_schemes.g.dart:
  • lib/common/theme/theme.dart:
  • lib/common/theme/util.dart:
  • Replaced color_schemes.g.dart with theme.dart and utils.dart, following new Flutter 3.22 guidelines.
  • lib/models/settings_model.dart:
  • Added Contrast enum with elements: {standard, medium, high}.
  • Added attributes lengthUnit and contrast.
  • Renamed attribute theme to brightness.
  • lib/my_material_app.dart:
  • Adjusted MyMaterialApp to use the new files generated by the Material Theme Builder (
  • Updated to control theme brightness.
  • lib/screens/about_page/about_page.dart:
  • The about page now includes a link to the project page.
  • lib/screens/settings/settings_page.dart:
  • Replaced _themeModeIcon method with _brightnessIcon, now returning an Icon widget.
  • Added control for theme contrast.
  • Added editing of default lap and split lengths.
  • lib/screens/settings/widgets/length_line_edit.dart:
  • Created LengthLineEdit class to manage lap and split length input lines.
  • lib/screens/stopwatch_page/widgets/stopwatch_drawer.dart:
  • Changed the about page icon to Icons.info_outline.
  • lib/screens/trainings_page/widgets/dismissible_training.dart:
  • Replaced the card with a Container and implemented selection control via the container’s background color.
  • lib/screens/widgets/common/user_card.dart:
  • Replaced the user card with a Container, similar to above.
  • lib/screens/trainings_page/widgets/dismissible_training.dart:
  • Replaced card with a Container and implemented color control for selection. This was necessary as the dark theme currently lacks shadow on Card widgets. It is unclear if this is a bug or new directive in the current Material Theme.
  • lib/screens/widgets/edit_training_dialog/widgets/distance_unit_row.dart:
  • lib/screens/widgets/edit_training_dialog/widgets/speed_unit_row.dart:
  • Adjusted dropdown background color for better visibility in dark theme, for the same reason as above.
  • lib/screens/widgets/precise_stopwatch/precise_stopwatch.dart:
  • Further color adjustments.
  • lib/store/constants/migration_sql_scripts.dart:
  • Added migrations for database schema versions 1.0.3 and 1.0.4, including new columns settingsLengthUnit and settingsContrast in settingsTable.
  • lib/store/constants/table_attributes.dart:
  • lib/store/constants/table_sql_scripts.dart:
  • Added new columns settingsLengthUnit and settingsContrast to settingsTable.

2024/04/23 – version: 0.7.6+15

Enhancing Localization, Functionality, and Code Organization

  • Localization Updates:
  • Added new entries to the localization files (en-US.json, es.json, pt-BR.json) for handling blocked actions and specifying the number of laps, which enhances the application’s user interaction by providing more specific feedback in three different languages.
  • Functional Enhancements:
  • Modified the StopwatchBloc to handle a maximum number of laps (maxLaps). This introduces functionality where the stopwatch can automatically stop counting upon reaching a specified number of laps.
  • Updated the TrainingModel to change maxlaps from a double? to an int?, aligning the data type more closely with its usage which typically involves whole numbers.
  • Code Refactoring:
  • Moved user_dialog related files under users_page/widgets, improving project structure and modularity.
  • The users_page now incorporates logic to prevent the deletion of selected users, enhancing application stability and user experience.
  • User Interface Improvements:
  • Integrated a new widget, SimpleSpinBoxField, which provides a user-friendly interface for adjusting numerical values. This widget is utilized in the edit_training_dialog to handle input for the maximum number of laps.
  • Database and Version Management:
  • Adjusted SQL scripts to accommodate the change in data type of maxlaps in the training table.
  • Implemented more robust database migration handling within database_migration by dynamically adjusting to the latest schema version, improving maintenance and scalability.
  • Version Update:
  • Updated the application’s version in pubspec.yaml to reflect the new features and fixes.

This commit provides significant improvements across multiple areas of the Stopwatch application, from user-facing features to backend enhancements, ensuring a more robust and user-friendly experience.

2024/04/21 – version: 0.7.6+14

This commit enhances the multilingual support and updates the application’s information management.

  • Enhanced Localization Support:
  • Expanded translations for English (en-US.json), Spanish (es.json), and Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR.json) to include new fields such as “Version”, “Developer”, and “Privacy Policy”. This update aims to provide users with a richer, localized interface experience.
  • Documentation Updates:
  • Updated the pending.txt document to include a new item about adding a column to the training table to store the start and end times of training sessions, reflecting an ongoing effort to enhance data management and application functionality.
  • Codebase Enhancements:
  • Introduced the AppInfo class in app_info.dart, centralizing application-related information like version, developer contact, and privacy policy URLs. This class provides methods to launch URLs and compose emails, facilitating user interaction with app developers and legal information.
  • Updated the AppFontStyle in app_font_style.dart to include additional predefined text styles, improving consistency and ease of use across the application.
  • Adjusted TrainingModel in training_model.dart to include an optional maxlaps property, accommodating future features that may require tracking the maximum laps in a training session.
  • User Interface Updates:
  • Added the AboutPage to provide users with application information, including version details, developer contact, and privacy policy access.
  • Enhanced the settings page (settings_page.dart) with refined localization keys, aligning with the new translations and ensuring that the interface remains consistent and user-friendly.
  • Architectural Improvements:
  • Updated database schema management scripts (migration_sql_scripts.dart and related SQL scripts) to handle new database migrations smoothly, ensuring that the application’s underlying data structure supports the latest features without disrupting existing functionality.
  • Integration of URL Launcher:
  • Integrated the url_launcher package to handle external links effectively, enabling the application to interact with web browsers and external mail applications seamlessly.

This set of enhancements not only broadens the application’s international appeal but also improves its informational and configurational aspects, making it more accessible and user-friendly.

2024/04/19 – version: 0.7.6+13

This commit introduces internationalization and settings management improvements to the Stopwatch application, enhancing user experience and language support.

  • Localization Files Addition:
  • Added localization files for English (en-US.json), Spanish (es.json), and Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR.json), located in the assets/translations directory. These files include translations for various UI elements such as buttons and dialog messages, enhancing the app’s accessibility for a broader audience.
  • Enhancements in Settings Management:
  • Updated the StopwatchBloc to refer to the new mSecondRefresh property in AppSettings for timer periodicity, aligning variable names for better code readability and consistency.
  • Expanded the AppSettings class to include multiple settings like theme mode, refresh rates, and language preferences, supporting a more customized user experience. The class now inherits from SettingsModel, allowing for easier settings management and updates.
  • Introduced a new SettingsManager to handle settings retrieval and updates, ensuring settings are consistently managed and stored.
  • Implemented new classes for settings persistence including SettingsStore and SettingsRepository, facilitating the storage and retrieval of user settings from a local database.
  • Infrastructure and Code Organization:
  • Refined the database management structure by segregating database-related files into a database directory, which now includes files like DatabaseManager, DatabaseBackup, and DatabaseMigration.
  • Refactored various stores (AccountStore, BalanceStore, CategoryStore, etc.) by moving them into a new stores directory to streamline the project structure.
  • User Interface and Interaction:
  • Modified the Info.plist file in the iOS project to include new localizations, expanding the app’s reach to Norwegian and English speakers.
  • Updated the AppSettings singleton initialization to sync with the new settings structure, ensuring that the app correctly loads and applies user preferences at startup.
  • Enhanced the main application entry (main.dart) to initialize and apply localization settings using the EasyLocalization package, supporting dynamic language switching based on user preferences.

Overall, these changes make the Stopwatch app more versatile and user-friendly, catering to a global audience with multilingual support and customizable settings.

2024/03/18 – version: 0.7.3+10:

This release introduces a series of functionality improvements and interface updates to enhance user interaction and system efficiency within the Trainers Stopwatch app.

  • Stopwatch Bloc Enhancements:
  • Added attributes _endTime, _lastLapTime, _lastSplitTime, _lapDuration, and _splitDuration to StopwatchBloc for better control over recorded times. This change allowed for the removal of some controls from PreciseStopwatchController directly into StopwatchBloc.
  • Events were reformulated to accommodate new responsibilities related to time management.
  • Created methods _updatePausedTimes, _restartTimesAndCounters, _updateLap, and _updateSplit to better separate responsibilities and facilitate code reusability.
  • Utility Functions and Bug Fixes:
  • Introduced StopwatchFunctions class to package common app functions, initially including speedCalc.
  • Fixed a bug in TrainingManager that incorrectly handled zero-index checks, ensuring more robust data handling.
  • UI Components and Dialog Enhancements:
  • Removed the Card from DismissibleUserTile and incorporated it into a new UserCard class for better code reusability and streamlined design.
  • In PersonalTrainingPage and related widgets, speed calculation now utilizes StopwatchFunctions.speedCalc for enhanced performance metrics.
  • TrainingsPage now includes new commands such as _editTraining, _removeTraining, _selectAllTraining, and _deselectAllTraining, with added widgets to facilitate these actions.
  • Separated DismissibleTraining class into its own file to clean up the codebase and improve maintainability.
  • Added TrainingItem class in TrainingsPageController to simplify the management of training selections and operations.
  • Introduced EditTrainingDialog class for editing training details directly from the UI.
  • Precise Stopwatch Controller Adjustments:
  • Shifted the control of Laps and Splits from PreciseStopwatchController to StopwatchBloc, centralizing time control.
  • Added _getSplit method to return corrected split times, enhancing the accuracy of performance tracking.

This update aims to streamline the app’s operations and enhance the user experience with clearer controls and improved data management.

2024/03/16 – version: 0.7.2+9:

  • doc/pending.txt:
  • Removed outdated tasks and streamlined the document with new priorities including user message editing and disposal checks.
  • Added initialization of a default user on app start if none exists.
  • lib/common/singletons/app_settings.dart:
  • Added a dispose method to clean up the theme mode listener.
  • lib/common/theme/app_font_style.dart:
  • Updated font styles to include semi-bold instead of bold and added new size variants for better text clarity.
  • lib/manager/user_manager.dart:
  • Converted UserManager into a singleton and added initialization checks to prevent multiple instances.
  • Added methods to ensure that all users are loaded when the manager is first accessed.
  • lib/manager/training_manager.dart:
  • Added a flag to prevent reinitialization of the training manager.
  • Enabled creation of a training manager by user ID, which initializes training sessions specific to an user.
  • lib/my_material_app.dart:
  • Expanded routing to include new pages for settings, training and about, enhancing navigation options within the app.
  • lib/screens/about_page/about_page.dart:
  • Added a new About page with basic placeholder content.
  • lib/screens/user_dialog/user_dialog.dart:
  • Adjusted the user dialog to reflect changes in font style from bold to semi-bold.
  • lib/screens/users_page/users_page.dart:
  • Added initial loading logic to pre-select users who are already engaged in activities to prevent their deselection.
  • lib/screens/personal_training_page/personal_training_page.dart:
  • Refactored to use a dedicated dismissible widget class for better modularity and maintenance.
  • lib/screens/personal_training_page/widgets/dismissible_personal_training.dart:
  • Created a new stateful widget for dismissible elements in the personal training page to handle specific training session interactions like editing and deleting.
  • lib/screens/settings/settings_page.dart:
  • Introduced a settings page to the application for better user configuration management.
  • lib/screens/stopwatch_page/stopwatch_page.dart:
  • Refined message handling in the stopwatch page to prevent duplicate messages and improved UI updates through state management.
  • lib/screens/trainings_page/trainings_page.dart:
  • Added a training page that handles the display and management of user-specific training sessions.
  • lib/screens/widgets/common/generic_dialog.dart:
  • Renamed method from callDialog to open for clarity and consistency in usage.
  • lib/screens/widgets/common/set_distance_dialog.dart:
  • Renamed SetDistanceDialog to EditTrainingDialog and expanded its functionality to include editing comments on training sessions.

This commit introduces several structural improvements, new features, and user interface enhancements to enhance the functionality and usability of the app.

2024/03/15 – version: 0.7.1+8:

This release focuses on improving functionality and user interface enhancements across various components of the Trainers Stopwatch app.

  • Stopwatch Bloc Enhancements:
  • Renamed _counter to _lapCounter to better reflect its purpose.
  • Introduced _splitCounter for counting splits.
  • Simplified the increment process for splits to fix a counting bug.
  • Model Updates:
  • In HistoryModel, added an int split attribute to directly record splits instead of calculating them.
  • Users Page Enhancements:
  • Introduced a list of pre-selected user IDs, _preSelectedUserIds.addAll, which locks the selected users from being deselected on the UsersPage. This ensures users with active stopwatches are not accidentally deselected.
  • In DismissibleUserTile, user lock control is managed, and the checkbox for user selection has been replaced with a card elevation of 5, enhancing the aesthetic appeal.
  • Personal Training Page Refactoring:
  • Refactored to remove Dismissible into a dedicated class DismissiblePersonalTraining.
  • Stopwatch Page Improvements:
  • Removed SnackBar from StopwatchPage. Currently testing a ListView.builder for displaying messages in a reserved area at the bottom of the StopwatchPage.
  • Added an effect function (from Signal) to enhance reactivity for adding new messages to _messageList as they are generated.
  • Implemented setState in _addStopwatches and _removeStopwatch due to changes in page update dynamics.
  • Extracted listViewBuilder construction into a dedicated function for improved code readability.
  • Simplified the presentation of stopwatch commands on StopwatchPage, removing several rows and columns for a cleaner layout.
  • Additional Component Updates:
  • Created MessageRow to construct log entries for the stopwatch.
  • Introduced StopwatchDismissible to isolate Dismissible behavior specifically for the StopwatchPage.
  • Enhanced NumericField to allow only valid numbers.
  • Adjusted focus management in SetDistanceDialog to better navigate its elements.
  • Merged Split and Lap buttons in PreciseStopwatch since the end of a Lap also signifies the end of a Split. These buttons now share the same position, with the Lap button displayed at the end of a Lap and the Split button visible during other operations.
  • Precise Stopwatch Controller Adjustments:
  • Added isPaused to manage stopwatch pauses.
  • Streamlined the injection of new Splits and Laps to a more simplistic model.
  • Replaced the generic _createMessage method with specific methods: _sendSplitMessage, _sendLapMessage, _sendFinishMessage, and _sendStartedMessage.
  • Simplified speedCalc method to require fewer parameters.
  • Database Schema Updates:
  • Added historySplit constant to name the split column in the historyTable.
  • Modified SQL to include the split column in the historyTable.

This update aims to streamline the app’s functionality while enhancing the user experience with more intuitive controls and clearer information display.

2024/03/13 – version: 0.7.1+7:

This release introduces several enhancements and new features aimed at refining the functionality and user experience of the Trainers Stopwatch app.

  • App Settings:
  • Default values for splitLength and lapLength added to AppSettings.
  • Training Model Updates:
  • splitLength and lapLength attributes are now non-nullable.
  • Introduced distanceUnit and speedUnit attributes to store units for distance and speed respectively.
  • Default values set for splitLength and lapLength are 200 and 1000, respectively.
  • Navigation and Routing:
  • Routing added for PersonalTrainingPage using the method PersonalTrainingPage.fromContext(context).
  • New Page: PersonalTrainingPage:
  • This new page receives a clone of the selected stopwatch and displays current training records.
  • Stopwatch Page Enhancements:
  • Implemented a temporary solution using showSnackBar to display ongoing training results; further refinement is needed.
  • Configured DismissDirection.startToEnd to launch PersonalTrainingPage, identified a bug with stopwatch restart that needs assessment.
  • Stopwatch Page Controller:
  • Renamed _selectedUsers to _stopwatchList and introduced _stopwatchControllers.
  • Added method sendSnackBarMessage to relay messages via Signal<String> snackBarMessage.
  • Set Distance Dialog Enhancement:
  • Enhanced SetDistancesDialog to enable editing of distanceUnit and speedUnit.
  • Precise Stopwatch Modifications:
  • PreciseStopwatch now takes PreciseStopwatchController as a parameter to facilitate cloning on PersonalTrainingPage.
  • Added isNotClone attribute to determine if the instance is a clone, affecting initialization and disposal behaviors.
  • Removed the bottom message line, transitioning to use SnackBar for messages.
  • Precise Stopwatch Controller Enhancements:
  • Introduced splitLength and lapLength attributes.
  • Added _actionOnPress as a ValueNotifier<bool> (to be converted to Signal<bool> after resolving pending issues).
  • Implemented disposal for ValueNotifier and Signal objects: counter, durationTraining, and _actionOnPress.
  • Added _toggleActionOnPress method to toggle the state of _actionOnPress, used for activating the refresh of history on PersonalTrainingPage.
  • Method added for updating splitLength and lapLength.
  • Implemented speedCalc method to calculate speed in m/s and convert it to the unit selected by the user.
  • Database Schema Updates:
  • Declared constants trainingDistanceUnit and trainingSpeedUnit for new columns in the trainingsTable.
  • Updated SQL script createTrainingTableSQL to make trainingSplitLength and trainingLapLength columns non-nullable and add new columns trainingDistanceUnit and trainingSpeedUnit (both CHAR(5)).
  • Dependencies:
  • Added intl package for date formatting.

This update aims to streamline the user experience by integrating more precise controls and settings, enhancing the training management capabilities of the app.

2024-04-11 – version: 0.7.0+6:

This update introduces a series of enhancements and structural changes across the Trainers Stopwatch app to improve functionality and user experience:

  • StopwatchBloc Updates:
  • Removed time interval calculation elements from StopwatchBloc. These are now handled by a new controller designed to manage the Stopwatch widget, streamlining the bloc’s responsibilities.
  • App Settings Enhancements:
  • Introduced millisecondRefresh control within the app settings to allow for configuration adjustments.
  • Added theme mode controls for ThemeMode.light and ThemeMode.dark, enhancing user customization options.
  • Font Style Additions:
  • New styles have been added to AppFontStyle to support diverse UI requirements.
  • Manager Updates:
  • Standardized error messages within UserManager.
  • Launched HistoryManager to oversee training history models.
  • Introduced TrainingManager to manage user training models.
  • Model Enhancements:
  • TrainingModel now includes attributes to store the lengths of splits and laps, adding detailed tracking capabilities.
  • MyMaterialApp:
  • Implemented theme selection support within the app for enhanced user personalization.
  • User Dialog Adjustments:
  • Modified the user dialog for both adding and updating user details, improving usability.
  • Users Page Enhancements:
  • Added editing and removal capabilities for users on the UsersPage, enhancing management efficiency.
  • Users Page Controller:
  • Integrated methods to update and delete users, supporting robust user management.
  • Dismissible User Tile:
  • Introduced editFunction and deleteFunction callbacks to facilitate user management directly from the UI.
  • Stopwatch Page Updates:
  • Added an IconButton for theme switching and another for setup (the latter is not yet implemented), improving accessibility and customization.
  • CustomIconButton Enhancements:
  • CustomIconButton is now theme-reactive, adjusting its color scheme to better highlight its features and align with Android standards.
  • Generic Dialog Introduction:
  • Deployed a generic dialog with predefined properties for various dialog actions (yesNo, addCancel, close, none), simplifying UI interactions.
  • Numeric Field Widget:
  • Introduced NumericField, a widget similar to TextField but only accepts valid numbers, ensuring input accuracy.
  • Set Distance Dialog:
  • Added a specialized dialog for setting distances for a split and lap, aiding in precise training setup.
  • Show User Image Updates:
  • Modified to accept an optional window size parameter, enhancing flexibility in image presentation.
  • Precise Stopwatch Updates:
  • Removed StopwatchBloc from PreciseStopwatch. The bloc is now instantiated in the PreciseStopwatchController, centralizing all stopwatch control logic in the controller.
  • Adjusted layout to accommodate a text line displaying information on splits and laps when recorded.
  • Precise Stopwatch Controller:
  • Created PreciseStopwatchController to handle business logic for PreciseStopwatch, encompassing all control logic previously in StopwatchBloc and adding split and lap record management.

These updates significantly enhance the app’s configurability, user interaction, and overall efficiency, providing a more tailored and professional experience for trainers managing multiple users.

2024-04-10 – version: 0.4.2+5

Significant enhancements and refinements have been implemented in the Trainers Stopwatch app:

  • StopwatchBloc Enhancements:
  • Transitioned from ValueNotifier to Signal for a more streamlined and elegant approach.
  • Removed splitDuration and counterDuration as they were deemed unnecessary.
  • The _stopEvent method has been optimized and simplified, ensuring accurate stop timing and lap counter adjustments.
  • Updated the display time in the _pauseEvent method for a more precise presentation of the pause moment.
  • Font Style Consolidation:
  • All font styles are now centralized within the AppFontStyle class, promoting consistency and ease of maintenance.
  • User Dialog and Tile Updates:
  • User images are now handled through Signal, enhancing the reactivity and update efficiency.
  • User images are displayed using the ShowUserImage class, standardizing image presentation.
  • Modified DismissibleUserTile to use a Signal for user selection (isChecked signal).
  • Stopwatch Page and Controller Logic:
  • Relocated PreciseTimer allocation logic for users to StopwatchPageController, streamlining the control mechanism.
  • Dismissible Background Enhancements:
  • DismissibleContainers now accept context, label, iconData, and color parameters, offering customizable backgrounds.
  • Implemented an enable property for conditional rendering and interaction.
  • Precise Stopwatch Adjustments:
  • Adapted the component to utilize Signal instead of ValueNotifier, refining the reactive functionality.
  • Renamed PreciseTimer to PreciseStopwatch, aligning the naming with its specific functionality.

These updates mark a significant improvement in the app’s functionality and user experience, introducing a more responsive and user-friendly interface, and refining the stopwatch logic for better performance and accuracy.

2024-04-09 – version: 0.4.1+3

Significant updates and enhancements have been made in the Trainers Stopwatch app, moving closer to a comprehensive professional solution for trainers. Here’s a rundown of the latest improvements:

  • StopwatchBloc and Events: The StopwatchBloc is now fully functional, implementing all events successfully. A few areas marked with FIXME need refinement for cleaner operation.
  • Common Constants: Introduced a constants.dart file for app-wide constants, including photoImageSize for image sizing and defaultPhotoImage providing a default user image string.
  • Custom Icons: Added a new set of custom icons specific to the app, enhancing the visual appeal and user experience.
  • App Settings Singleton: Implemented the AppSettings singleton class to store system-wide variables like imagePath, organizing internal storage for user images.
  • Database and Settings Initialization: The main entry point now includes database and app settings initialization, laying a solid foundation for the app’s data handling.
  • User Manager: The UserManager class is introduced for comprehensive management of user-related operations, handling the business logic for user actions such as registration, editing, and deletion.
  • Data Models: Data models for users, training sessions, and history are fully integrated with the store and repository layers, though currently, only user models are worked on within the manager layer.
  • Page Routing: Routing for StopWatchPage and UsersPage is set up, facilitating navigation within the app.
  • Repository Layer: The repository layer is now fully implemented for users, history, and training, performing basic database operations and bridging app objects to database maps.
  • User Dialog UI: A new UserDialog class introduces a dialog for adding new users, complemented by UserController for handling form UI elements and Validator for input validation. A custom TextField widget is designed specifically for this dialog.
  • Users Page for Management: The UsersPage allows for user management within the app, with current functionality for adding new users. Future updates will include editing and removal options.
  • Dismissible User Tile: Customized Dismissible widget for user management in UsersPage.
  • Stopwatch Page Adjustments: Adjusted to display stopwatches for selected users from UsersPage.
  • Database Store and Management: Implemented insertion, update, deletion, and search methods across all app models. Additionally, constants for table names, attributes, and SQL creation scripts are defined, alongside static classes for database table creation and a DatabaseManager for overall database management.
  • Dependencies Update: The pubspec.yaml file has been updated with packages for SQLite database (sqflite), file path extraction (path_provider and path), testing mocks (mockito), Observer pattern implementation (signals), and device camera access (image_picker). Also, added the custom StopwatchIcons font.

This version marks a significant step towards realizing a robust, professional stopwatch application tailored for trainers managing multiple users, combining precise timing functionalities with comprehensive user management and history tracking capabilities.

2024_04_07 – version: 0.1.0:

Enhancements in Stopwatch Functionality:

  • lib/bloc/stopwatch_bloc.dart & lib/bloc/stopwatch_events.dart:
  • Introduced StopwatchBloc featuring:
    • A ValueNotifier<Duration> _elapsed initialized with const Duration() to log the stopwatch display refreshes.
    • A ValueNotifier<int> _counter initialized with 0 to log the stopwatch snapshots.
    • A static int millisecondRefresh set to 66 as a default value, managing the refresh rate of stopwatches at approximately 15FPS, enhancing the user experience with smoother transitions.
    • Implemented a dispose method to dispose of _elapsed and _counter, and to stop the _timer, ensuring resource efficiency and app stability.
  • Implemented events for comprehensive stopwatch control:
    • StopwatchEventRun
    • StopwatchEventPause
    • StopwatchEventReset
    • StopwatchEventCounterIncrement
    • StopwatchEventCounterDecrement
    • StopwatchEventCounterReset

State Management:

  • lib/bloc/stopwatch_state.dart:
  • Implemented states for precise stopwatch management, enhancing the user interface responsiveness and accuracy:
    • StopwatchStateInitial
    • StopwatchStateRunning
    • StopwatchStatePaused
    • StopwatchStateReset
    • StopwatchStateError

UI Components and Integration:

  • lib/screens/stopwatch_page/stopwatch_page.dart:
  • Each PreciseTimer is now integrated with an instance of StopwatchBloc, streamlining the stopwatch functionality and providing a more robust and flexible solution for timing needs.
  • lib/screens/widgets/common/custom_icon_button.dart:
  • Added CustomIconButton, similar to an IconButton but with support for onLongPressed, offering extended functionality for user interactions.
  • lib/screens/widgets/precise_timer/precise_timer.dart:
  • Business logic has been migrated to StopwatchBloc, centralizing the stopwatch’s logic and facilitating easier maintenance and updates.

Release Notes:

This update introduces a comprehensive overhaul of the stopwatch functionality within the Trainers Stopwatch app, aiming to provide coaches and trainers with a more precise and user-friendly timing tool. By optimizing the refresh rate and integrating robust state management, the app now offers enhanced performance and reliability, ensuring that timing is accurate and responsive to the trainers’ needs.

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