Plugin WordPress – Table of Contents

The “RRAlves Table of Contents” plugin is a powerful tool designed to enhance the navigability and organization of content within WordPress posts. By automatically generating an indexed table of contents based on the post’s headers, it significantly improves user experience, allowing readers to quickly understand the structure of a post and jump to sections of interest.

Its code is very simple and is available for download on my GitHub: rralves-table-of-contents. Feel free to download, use and change to your liking.

How It Works

  • Automatic Index Generation: The plugin scans the content of a post for header tags (<h1> through <h5>) and automatically creates an indexed table of contents (ToC) at the beginning of the post. This index is dynamically generated, ensuring it always reflects the current structure of the post.
  • Indentation and Numbering: To improve readability and organization, the plugin indents the index items according to their header level. Additionally, it adds automatic numbering, further clarifying the structure and hierarchy of the content.
  • Meta Box for Control: A meta box titled “Index to Post” is added to the post editor, featuring a checkbox that allows authors to easily enable or disable the ToC for individual posts. This feature provides flexibility, letting authors decide on a post-by-post basis whether an index is necessary.
  • Default Behavior: By default, new posts will have the ToC enabled, streamlining the process for content creators who regularly utilize this feature. Authors can simply uncheck the box if they prefer not to include an index in certain posts.
  • Custom CSS Styles: The plugin includes functionality to enqueue a custom CSS file (toc-styles.css), which styles the ToC. This ensures that the index not only is functional but also aesthetically integrates with the rest of the post content.

Behind the Scenes

Upon activation, the plugin hooks into WordPress actions to add its functionality:

  • Adding the Meta Box: Utilizes the add_meta_boxes action to introduce a new meta box in the post editor for enabling or disabling the ToC.
  • Saving the Checkbox State: Taps into the save_post action to save the state of the checkbox, recording whether the ToC should be displayed for each post.
  • Generating and Inserting the ToC: Hooks into the_content filter to modify the post content by inserting the generated ToC based on the headers found within the post. This process respects the checkbox’s state, only adding the ToC when enabled.
  • Styling: Enqueues necessary CSS styles for the ToC through the wp_enqueue_scripts action, ensuring that the index visually complements the site’s design.


This plugin is ideal for content-rich sites, educational platforms, and blogs where clear structure and easy navigation are paramount. By providing a quick overview and direct access to key sections, the “RRAlves Table of Contents” plugin enhances readability, engagement, and the overall user experience.

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